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Visualizzazione post con etichetta libri in lingua. Mostra tutti i post

martedì 20 settembre 2022

Recensione: River of Shadows - Karina Halle

Ciao a tutti. Oggi vi parlo di un libro che ho trovato nella Bookish Box di aprile e che ha subito scatenato la mia curiosità: sto parlando di River of Shadows, un dark (ma non poi così tanto) fantasy ancora inedito in Italia di Karina Halle, autrice più nota per i suoi romance spicy. 

TITOLO: River of Shadows 
AUTORE: Karina Halle 
COLLANA: Selfpublishing
PREZZO (EBOOK): 4,60€ 
TRAMA [ENG]: When 24-year old Hanna Heikkinen's estranged father dies, she reluctantly makes the trip to Northern Finland for his funeral. Being in the enchanting land of ice and snow feels miles away from Hanna's busy life back in Los Angeles, especially under the complicated circumstances. But when Hanna discovers that her father's body is missing, that's when things really get weird. A mysterious man, Rasmus, tells Hanna the truth: her father was a powerful shaman who went into Tuonela, the Realm of the Dead, in order to barter for more life, and has been held captive by Tuoni, the God of Death. The only way her father can be freed is if she travels with Rasmus into the mythical underworld to rescue him. Willing to do anything to have a second-chance with her father, Hanna accompanies Rasmus into the dark and bloody realm, traveling via the River of Shadows, stalked by dangerous creatures, monsters, and the living dead, until they finally come into the haunted kingdom ruled by Death and his family. Only for her to be captured and held prisoner by the God of Death himself. Turns out Death is intrigued by Hanna's beauty and fierceness and makes a bargain with her. If she marries him, and spends an eternity in the Realm of the Dead as his wife, he'll set her father free. But even the most noble sacrifices come with hidden costs, and Hanna's might involve the most unexpected of all things: her heart.

mercoledì 6 gennaio 2021

Recensione: Kingdom of the Wicked - Kerri Maniscalco

Ciao a tutti. Ritornano le recensioni e lo fanno con uno dei titoli che più ci hanno divertito degli ultimi mesi... ma non certo per i motivi voluti dell'autrice. Sto parlando del nuovo lavoro di Kerri Maniscalco, Kingdom of the Wicked, di cui è già stata annunciata la traduzione in italiano per Oscar Vault, e... non ho bisogno di aggiungere altro. E' tutto nella recensione. 

TITOLO: Kingdom of the Wicked 
AUTORE: Kerri Maniscalco
COLLANA: Hodder & Stoughton (UK) / Little Brown (US) 
TRAMA [ENG]: Emilia and her twin sister Vittoria are streghe - witches who live secretly among humans, avoiding notice and persecution. One night, Vittoria misses dinner service at the family's renowned Sicilian restaurant. Emilia soon finds the body of her beloved twin . . . desecrated beyond belief. Devastated, Emilia sets out to find her sister's killer and to seek vengeance at any cost-even if it means using dark magic that's been long forbidden.
Then Emilia meets Wrath, one of the Wicked-princes of Hell she has been warned against in tales since she was a child. Wrath claims to be on Emilia's side, tasked by his master with solving the series of women's murders on the island. But when it comes to the Wicked, nothing is as it seems . . .